Monday, November 9, 2009

I think I'll grow a beard

I've had this feeling before.  A crazy desire for something new, something different.  And last time i had a pretty well thought out reason.  I'd planned to grow out my hair for the purpose of developing more self discipline.  Its very simple, really.  See, I have this thing called a job.  And while they don't exactly have a defined dress code they pretty much require you to be...presentable.  Decent, in appearance if not in actual character.  So, if I was going to grow my hair out, I'd have to take very good care of it.  I'd have to wake up early in the morning, wash it, dry it, comb it.  I'd have to take my time to groom and shape and keep myself looking like just another handsome black man with a great big afro.  (Or braids, I hadn't decided yet)  And I would have to make a routine out of it.  Or, as was more appealing to my mind, a ceremony.  A daily ritual of shaping my outward appearance to what I imagined my inner self to be.  Whatever that meant.

And for a time, it worked perfectly.  My only real downfall was two-fold: Summer, and dandruff.

But now, my reasons are a bit less philosophical.  (Just a bit.)  I just want  Something different.  And, perhaps in a little way...I want to change who I am.

Okay, maybe that's a lot philosophical.  I mean, usually if one of my friends made a statement I'd immediately think they had huge problems on their shoulders.  "What's wrong with who you are?" I'd ask.  And if I were asking myself I suppose I'd say "It's just not enough."

I think I need to reflect more on this, while I stroke my beard.

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